speaking, Hosting, moderating

Paul Thallner is:

  • A trusted change navigator. It’s in his DNA; his name literally means “guide”

  • Recognized expert in change management and organizational development

  • An authority on organizations’ ability to build and stockpile resilience.

  • A regular contributor and resource to outdoor industry publications - particularly the mountain resort industry.

  • An award winning student of organizational behavior and experienced practitioner

  • Passionate about ending the workplace stress epidemic and creating workplaces where people thrive.

With his keynotes, presentations, and guest interactions, Paul guides the way to new thinking and action.

Paul Thallner has been observing workplaces - and their impacts - since he first watched his mom break down crying after coming home from her shift at the local power plant. Since then he has committed his professional life to creating workplaces and organizations where people thrive, not just survive. In his talks, he draws on his history as an advisor, consultant, change management executive, organizational development practitioner, cross-sector leader, teacher, avid traveller, recreational cyclist, dad, and foster parent to more than 40 rescue dogs.

He brings a global point of view and research-backed understanding of organizations to help people better understand - and ultimately lead - workplace greatness efforts. His fresh perspective on organizational resilience has been called “the blueprint we need for the 21st century.”

Note: Paul takes pride in customizing his talks for each audience’s unique needs and goals. The talks listed can be adjusted to fit the purpose or themes of your event.

Speaking Appearances

  • Leader ReadyCast. From the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative at Harvard University

  • The Conference Board. How resilience can end workplace stress and drive competitive advantage

  • Best Business Minds Podcast. Insights from authors who combine experience and research

  • Virtual Campfire Podcast. Powerful lessons from leaders.

  • Monster in my closet podcast. The spooky side of office dynamics

  • Inside personal growth podcast. Featuring experts in transformation

explore Paul’s Talks

Read more about some of Paul’s recent keynotes, presentations, and speaking enagagements.

  • The workplace is the fifth-leading cause of death in the U.S., according to Stanford Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer. Yet, organizations put the burden of stress-reduction on workers - forcing a never ending, life-shortening bounce-back cycle. Citing gripping examples and research, Paul will make an engaging and compelling case that organizations have the power and responsibility to dramatically reduce stress, lengthen life, and achieve their business objectives.

  • Organizations are purpose built to find and eliminate problems. But, could this fundamental design “feature” be a fatal flaw that keeps organizations from becoming truly prepared for the next big challenge? Paul explores why excessive focus on closing gaps ends up limiting organizational innovation and hastens worker burnout. Instead, he proposes re-thinking the gap-closing cycle altogether by examining the questions we ask in the first place. Better questions create better cultures and outcomes.

  • Paul has been in the trenches transforming workplaces his entire career. He has worked with global companies and domestic companies around the world to create great workplaces. This talk distills the best of Paul’s wisdom and personality. He connects easily with audiences of all types. He’ll share timely and timeless anecdotes, connect salient topics with natural elements, and break down organizational design successes and failures in an engaging, interactive, and memorable session.

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